PLUG-discuss Digest, Vol 54, Issue 15

gm5729 gm5729 at
Tue Dec 15 16:46:28 MST 2009

Hash: SHA1

Great article Lisa. EVERY computer OS is vulnerable --- Yes friends
including Linux! I love how "advanced" Firefox is on their extensions
to address such areas.

My general rule of thumb is if the email is from "me" and I know me
didn't send it --- auto deleted.

If someone sends me something scriptable and I don't already know
about it ahead of time ---auto deleted.

ALL HTML emails are -- auto deleted. Use inline or attach please.

If I get an email where the first 200 emails at the top are pretty
obvious -- auto deleted.

On those in my "contact" list or more importantly in theirs and I know
they have an M$ system -- I look at subject lines and previews pretty
close to something fishey then --- auto deleted.

I've just spent the past 2 weeks on my simple .muttrc, which includes
signing/encrypting emails. Which its the 21st century NO *nix user has
an excuse NOT to use it. If an imposter can't sign it they can't send
email through my acccounts.... hmmmm, safety feature and web of trust.

Yes my editor in Mutt is Vi/m. Works great, reliable and in combo with
a .muttrc set up properly beats ANY mailer for speed and accuracy.
Abook and When are nice additions -- check em out.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Use GnuPG with Firefox : (Version: 0.7.10)


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