HackFest Series Goes to PRESENTATION ONLY: SNORT Logs and Forensics from the Past 2 HackFests = NO TRUST

Lyle Tuttle L.tuttle at cox.net
Mon Aug 31 13:45:30 MST 2009

At 01:28 PM 8/31/2009, AZ RUNE wrote:

>This is a sad day indeed

Dittos!  What integrity we seem to have, huh?

There just weren't that many folks there to do this kind of 
thing...and as a 'newbie', presentations are fine, but just not the 
same as the real thing....

Seems to me like that's a fair amount of hacking for such a short 
amount of time and people..........and didn't we each sign some 
agreement at the last hackfest?

Was my system hacked?  Good thing it is new, and nothing there, as I 
had the Linux HD installed........


>>On Aug 31, 2009 11:10 AM, "Lisa Kachold" 
>><<mailto:lisakachold at obnosis.com>lisakachold at obnosis.com> wrote:
>>I finally got moved in after all the new townhouse repairs and have
>>sorted out and evaluated all the technical details from the past two
>>hackfests at the Foundation for Blind Children.
>>I have found:
>>1) Multiple successful exploits against my own equipment (4 prior
>>Hackfests starting from the first at UAT - 3 systems totally pwned).
>>2) Escalated access retention in the way of processes set in place to
>>retain access vi port 443 out to various local cox DHCP addresses on
>>two of my linux machines from the last Hackfest and from low level
>>exploits in a Vista system.
>>3) Access to harddrive on systems booted into USB or DVD Backtrack3/4
>>from various local and network users (2 builds accessed on my own
>>equipment historically).
>>There is no way to protect a local shared network outside of TRUST.
>>Unless we can assign an IP address to each person who provides their
>>address, name, phone number and signs a legally binding agreement, we
>>cannot continue.
>>If I cannot TRUST to keep my systems safe, we cannot continue to
>>endanger the networks of the Foundation for Blind Children by allowing
>>networking access with pentest tools.
>>HackFests will continue in presentation only format.  No networks, no
>>access to school machines with LiveCD's or USB keys will be allowed.
>>If users would like to bring their systems and follow along that is
>>find, but no Wireless access will be available (a WEP2 key is
>>available via decrypt in BT4 in 11 minutes).
>>We will continue to provide media to people wanting to burn a DVD for
>>any linux security tool.
>>(503)754-4452 www.obnosis.com
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