BlenderCAD make-up mtng

Matthew A Coulliette matthewlug at
Sat Aug 22 17:18:51 MST 2009

Hi everyone,

BlenderCAD just had an awesome make-up mtng today. We had missed our
scheduled online meeting for last saturday and decided to have a make-up
meeting today. I have attached the irc log of the meeting if anyone is
interested. We are up to about 7 people or so now, and still growing. If
you want to join the BlenderCAD development team, now is the time. We
are still learning how to be developers, and we help each other a lot,
but wow, I never expected a linux project to be this much fun! If you
want to join, here is what you should do:

First, join the BlenderCAD-dev mailing list:

The rest of this is optional, but recommended.

Create a personal page on launchpad, and then join the BlenderCAD
Development Team on Launchpad:

Also, create a SourceForge account:

Email the sourceforge username to andrew: flyindragon1 at
...and he will add you to the sourceforge blendercad team.

We are spread out a little on the internet, however, it is only
temporary. I am currently building a website for our project.

Note: our next online meeting will be the 3rd Saturday of next month, on
#cad, 12pm MST, 2pm CST, 9pm CEST.

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