hp scanjet 3400c

Alan Dayley alandd at consultpros.com
Thu Aug 20 16:25:39 MST 2009

On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 2:33 PM, betty<nicepenguin at webcanine.com> wrote:
> What is a good site to check if this scanner will work with my Ubuntu
> Hardy Heron desktop? My daughter has it as an extra that she doesn't
> need and if it would work w/my computer I would take it off her hands.
> I have a lot of old family pictures i really should scan to save from
> the '30s -80's. If this one wouldn't work well; does anyone know of a
> scanner they can recommend for this distro? I have had good luck w/hp
> printers but can never get scanners to work well even with the evil
> empire computers.
> thanks for any ideas

THE scanning solution for Linux is SANE.  The project site has a
database of supported devices.  The 3400C is listed in the database at

You can also use the database to check other scanners you see listed
in ads or online somewhere, if you want to buy a new scanner.


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