dual boot

Matt Graham danceswithcrows at usa.net
Sat Aug 15 10:34:15 MST 2009

After a long battle with technology, Lyle Tuttle wrote:
> OK, I have a system that had XP on it; I loaded Ubuntu on it in the
> dual-boot method, and now, when I boot the system, I can't move the
> selection to start it in XP...it is set on Ubuntu, and that's it......
> What am I missing?  I just can't move that selection highlited bar to
> XP.......

Does GRUB accept any keyboard input at all?  If not, and you have a USB 
keyboard, you probably need to go into the BIOS Setup and make sure that a 
setting like "emulate PS/2 keyboard for USB keyboards" is Y.  Since GRUB 
relies on the BIOS for everything until stage 2 is loaded, this can happen to 
people.  I can't be specific on which setting to change because all BIOSes 
are different, but it should be easy to find.

If GRUB does accept keyboard input, but it's impossible to get the GRUB menu 
to highlight one entry, then reproduce your /boot/grub/grub.conf for us.

   This is my rifle, this is my GNU
   This is for fighting, this is for $FOO!  --AJS in ASR
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Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see

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