PLUG governance, etc.
Alan Dayley
alandd at
Wed Aug 5 23:34:31 MST 2009
Another thread about the sonoran penguin and making a theme for the
website surfaced some discussion about the governance of PLUG. I'd
like to enlighten that a little bit.
The Steering Committee
PLUG has a Steering Committee, members in no particular order:
- Hans, a.k.a. der.hans (plug at is Committee Chair because
we decided that he was.
- Brian Cluff (brian at still baby sits the server from time
to time and was host of the East Side Meeting for many years.
- Alexander Henry (alexanderhenry at who, years ago, decided we
needed Install Fest on a monthly basis, found a location and makes
sure it happens.
- Joseph Sinclair (plug-discussion at a very smart developer
and good guy who fills in the gaps and provides great programming
knowledge along with organizational skill.
- Me, who has historically mastered the web site and hosted the
Developer Meeting for 6 or so years.
There was one other who moved from Arizona some time back. There have
been others in the past who we thank.
Other Volunteers
There are others who help and do things, like Lisa, because they want
to. Nothing in PLUG could happen without people like them.
The authority of the committee is perhaps derived, as Joshua pointed
out, by owning the domain name and having root password on the server.
There is no other authority structure. No bylaws or written rules.
The group depends on the Steering Committee and defers to them to run
the relatively small day-to-day issues and make meetings happen. If
the group or a large part of the group were to want to take over or
fork, what's to stop them? Nothing.
PLUG has no legal entity to handle money. There isn't any.
Events and Work
PLUG has events and does any work because someone paid for it, worked
it, promoted it. Or, nothing happens.
My Comments
Over the years I have researched and email or IRC interviewed
participants of other LUGs. I made a special point to seek out LUGs
that had problems resulting in dissolution or splits. The root cause
of every LUG that experienced significant problems was power or money.
No surprise, I suppose. This is big reason why PLUG has not gone the
direction of formal structure and donations. It mostly avoids such
It also blocks some good things.
Where there is passion, things happen. Where there is passion,
disagreements happen. Any organization that wants to make things
happen needs passion but must survive the conflicts that arise. How
does one create such an organization without the down sides? You
can't. The down sides will happen so many people turn to rules and
by-laws, i.e. contracts, to minimize the down sides. I suppose it
works for the most part or people would come up with new structures
with which to do it. There are new ways to do these things but PLUG
may not be able to handle it.
I am beginning to accept that PLUG will not grow and thrive without a
more formal structure and maybe even money. Scary thought to me,
knowing the history of other LUGs and volunteer groups. At the same
time, the risk may be worth it for the gains that could be made.
The Points
My point is that PLUG is what the members make of it. The Steering
Committee has no legal means of controlling the group beyond
persuasion and respect, if given. So, if anyone want to suggest a
change, create something, push an agenda, please do. In an open and
transparent manner.
If anyone thinks the Steering Committee is out of line, doing wrong,
whatever, please speak up.
Right now PLUG is in a low passion mood, has been for a long time.
(Except maybe politics!) If you have a passion for something
Linux/FS/OSS related, speak up. Rather that then we just plod along,
enjoying our Freedom only amongst ourselves.
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