Geek/Tech/Entrepreneur Stuff to do in PHX

der.hans PLUGd at
Sun Aug 2 19:38:58 MST 2009

Am 02. Aug, 2009 schwätzte Nathan England so:

> I moved down to Douglas a little more than a month ago. I have met a few people, but not too many. I have not met anyone who knows anything about computers at all yet. But I've had different priorities than finding geeks anyway. One of these days! But yes, I'm no longer the mountain Penguin, I'm back in the desert!

Well, let me know when you're ready and you get something setup. I don't
know of a LUG in Douglas or Bisbee. There used to be two in Sierra Vista.

Good luck with the new locale.


#  Don't step in front of speeding cars, don't eat explosives
#  and don't use m$ LookOut :). - der.hans

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