Web hosting
Bryan O'Neal
boneal at cornerstonehome.com
Sun Aug 2 16:06:32 MST 2009
Face book is an excellent option, particularly for viral recruitment. You
can lock the group to just people with ASU email addresses and do basic
informational posting. You can not do anything of an advanced nature.
However, if what you desire is informational distribution of a regularly
updated images and text, then Facebook is an excellent option; as either a
group or a fan page (Each have different pluses and minuses). I know, I
have designed several pages for businesses (it takes about an hour, mayby
two, to craft something nice, as the interface is extremely simple) And you
do get some rudimentary statistics off of it.
What are your visions for this web site?
On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 3:23 PM, Mike Schwartz <mike.l.schwartz at gmail.com>wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 12:09 PM, Nadim Hoque <nadimhoque at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey,
>> Some how I was convinced to be a webmaster for the American Society of
>> Civil Engineers asu chapter and I was wondering what is a good web hosting
>> place that is well priced and offers good selection of tools. I have no
>> experience with php/mysql (though I am trying to learn them), so i was
>> wondering what are good tools that will let me create and easily administer
>> (or anyone for that matter).
>> Thanks
>> Nadim
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> then On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 about 3 huors later, Mike S. replied:
> for no overhead, and extremely close to zero effort on your part, you can
> create a "group", and/or a "fan page" on facebook -- (and the only tools
> needed, are a web browser -- e.g. Firefox -- and an internet connection).
> Of course then [I "think"], the viewers would have to join facebook
> -- but I guess if they wanted to [remain sorta anonymous], they could make
> their profile page invisible except to friends, and not confirm (nor invite)
> any friends. I think they can even make it invisible to search engines,
> etc. Technically I think doing this is only allowed by the TOS (or whatever
> it is called) if they do not already have a "real" profile page on that web
> site.
> Aside from that, LinkedIn dot com also has groups that you can form. Very
> convenient, -- and cheap ($0.00 as in beer). I am not very up on the "pros"
> and "cons" there. Having an obligation to *join LinkedIn dot com* [free]
> might come with the territory, but that is like being advised to learn
> English -- (that is, it *"**would be a good idea**" anyway.*)
> When the "AZ ex-Honeywell" group was started (I am one of the moderators of
> it), circa Feb. 2006, we didn't know about [the advantages of] facebook, so
> it was just formed as a group on yahoogroups.com. Everyone has to have a
> Yahoo ID (no big deal, those are free), (not a big drawback, IMHO) and there
> are some pretty cool features there. But I think if I were doing that now,
> I might lean towards making it a facebook group. Just my 0.02 . YMMV.
> Also ASU might have some kind of hosting for student groups.
> You probably know more than I do, about the situation at ASU. They [
> asu.edu] used to be the landlord and ISP (and one of the major donors, of
> HW, SW, and [some] free tech support) to the AzTeC Free-Net. For the first
> 5 years or so, (1994-99) that was a really good deal for AzTeC. Then
> later, AzTeC parted ways with ASU -- (probably to the great relief of
> both).
> Also, the asce.org <http://www.asce.org/> HQ might have some deal for
> student chapters. Have you contacted them? (
> http://www.asce.org/contact.cfm ) ("see also"
> http://www.asce.org/membership/studmem.cfm , "etc.")
> Best wishes, for success,
> whatever you decide,
> --
> Mike Schwartz
> Glendale AZ
> schwartz at acm.org
> ---------------------------------------------------
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