sort of OT: Linksys router blocking certain sites

Jason Hayes jason at
Sat Aug 1 15:37:59 MST 2009

Not sure why this is happening.

My Linksys WRT54GS router just suddenly (yesterday a.m.) started blocking a 
group of sites that I administer. I was working on one of the sites and it 
started getting slower and slower, then finally cut out.

I know the sites are working because if I plug straight into the modem, I can 
access them. (Also family in Canada can access them without any issues.) Also, 
the rest of the Internet is still out there - I can access pretty much any 
other site.

I've talked with my hosting company and they swear up and down that nothing 
has changed and the sites are working as normal.

While fighting with this, I've updated the firmware (to the latest version - V 
7.2.06), reset all the settings to factory default, and re-set up my home 

Everything is fine except for those few websites. Anyone ever seen anything 
like this?
Jason Hayes

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