Need Advice on Routers

Eric Shubert ejs at
Mon Apr 27 15:04:47 MST 2009

Alex Dean wrote:
> On Apr 27, 2009, at 1:24 PM, Eric Shubert wrote:
>> Mark,
>> I have a couple old e-machines that I made into IPCop firewall/routers,
>> and have been decommissioned for a while (they were virtualized).
> Do you mean you virtualized your firewall?


> Doesn't that create a risk 
> that other VMs on the same hardware host might be exposed to nasty stuff 
> which arrives at the firewall?

I don't think so. The VM host isn't addressable/accessible on the 
outside/red interface. The only thing that 'sees' outside traffic is the 

I could be wrong, but it appears safe enough to me.

> I'm recalling Austin's talk on VMs & security from a year or two ago.

I missed that one.

> If I've misunderstood your statement, please disregard.

I don't think so. NP.

> alex

-Eric 'shubes'

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