OT: info from Computerworld (was: Fwd: VirtualizationFocus - Your one-stop resource)

Mike Schwartz schwartz at acm.org
Tue Apr 21 13:32:01 MST 2009

This might be OT (hence it has been labeled "OT: ").Just "F Y I".
If you want more info, I think the links
   (including e.g. how to "sign up")
   are included below.
just passing this along
for those who might be interested ...
(I went ahead and joined the groups on
  LinkedIn and on facebook,
  even though I might un-join later;
  it was free [as in, $0.00] so...)

(Forwarded by:)
Mike Schwartz
Glendale  AZ
schwartz at acm.org

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: VirtualizationFocus News <virtualization_focus at focus.computerworld.com
Date: Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 7:50 AM
Subject: VirtualizationFocus - Your one-stop resource
To: SCHWARTZ at acm.org

 Technology Trends.  Newsletter.  Web Resources.  Blogs.  Twitter.
Virtualization Information.

Virtualization is the biggest trend in technology today. Technology
executives must make decisions everyday regarding the best products,
services and partners to use for implementing virtualization into their IT

a web resource designed to bring you the best and most timely
for your virtualization decisions. We select the most vital
research, blogs and reviews related to virtualization. We also provide
vibrant user forums on
LinkedIn <http://cwflyris.computerworld.com/t/4861005/468659273/180661/0/>where
you can interact with your peers to get your virtualization questions

Immediate breaking information is provided by a
overseen by VirtualizationFocus editor Eric Lundquist. In addition,
site includes an exclusive virtualization commentary only on the site. A
weekly VirtualizationFocus
a capsule of all the weekly virtualization highlights. If you want
to delve deeper into any particular aspect of virtualization, the
website <http://cwflyris.computerworld.com/t/4861005/468659273/180658/0/>provides
a searchable
database of white
to your needs.

Thank-you for taking the time to read this email and we encourage you to sign
up now <http://cwflyris.computerworld.com/t/4861005/468659273/180659/0/> for
your own VirtualizationFocus
 Please visit our
new site <http://cwflyris.computerworld.com/t/4861005/468659273/180658/0/>designed
especially for your virtualization needs.

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