Safe to remount live partition?

der.hans PLUGd at
Thu Apr 16 14:30:53 MST 2009

Am 16. Apr, 2009 schwätzte Dayley, Alan so:

moin moin Alan,

> So, I need to remount the file system at /var with the user_xattr
> option.  /var contains Samba shares, internal web sites, and other
> priceless data.  Oh, and LVM is involved here.
> Is it safe to issue "mount -o remount,user_xattr
> /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol04" while in live use?

I don't play with that, but I often do ro->rw->ro for small things.

You probably want to restart samba after the remount. Web servers should
be fine.

> Color me skeptical.

/me pulls out the powersprayer :).


#  "It is appallingly obvious that our technology exceeds our humanity."
#   -- Einstein

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