HackFest Series: Build a BackTrack Pendrive from Windows or Linux

Dan Lund situationalawareness at gmail.com
Thu Oct 30 23:01:32 MST 2008

I have to admit, Backtrack 3 is really nice.
I've never used anything more than a CD, but that sure helps.
The pretty background is soothing and creates a positive chi flow
which is necessary while cracking a WPA password.  Well, it's either
that or peanut butter cups.

Dan Lund

To exercise power costs effort and demands courage. That is why so
many fail to assert rights to which they are perfectly entitled -
because a right is a kind of power but they are too lazy or too
cowardly to exercise it.  The virtues which cloak these faults are
called patience and forbearance.
-Friedrich Nietzsche

On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 7:54 PM, Lisa Kachold <lisakachold at obnosis.com> wrote:
> In this Lab, we are going to go over the incredibly simple creation of a
> non-persistent bt  toolset on a USB pendrive.
>> snip <<

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