HDD encryption
Sir Light
sirlight at cox.net
Fri Oct 10 21:32:12 MST 2008
---- Matt Graham <danceswithcrows at usa.net> wrote:
> Wouldn't the MBR and stage 1 of the bootloader have to be in plain
> text? I mean, the x86 BIOS is small and not very bright, so you're
> stuck with having some unencrypted stuff on it. I think. If the
> BIOS has additional functions, you might be able to have a totally
> crypted disk. I also can't see that much point to encrypting /boot
> , but encrypting / , /usr , /home , and so forth makes a lot of
> sense for some situations.
The MBR is not in a partition(It's on the very first sector/track.
As for the kernel and the first stage, as I understand it, it's in the /boot
directory so one has to be make it a steperate partition and not encrypted. As
for the rest. encrypt away!!!!
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