OT? Request for programming quote

Lisa Kachold lisakachold at obnosis.com
Tue Oct 7 21:42:17 MST 2008

This appears to be a simple Javascript/CSS/Imagemap creation.  
A web developer could create it easily and it could be hosted on localhost running Apache;  most presentation programs like OpenOffice allow CSS/HTML/Javascript.

A quick post to Craigslist under the Internet Gigs should find someone, however, it's probably going to be about as easy to learn by looking at JavaScript examples here:


Remember real "programmers" like Larry Wall, Tom Christianson, and Randal L. Schwartz are born; the rest of us posers STEAL, Cut Splice and Debug!

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> Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2008 19:57:43 -0700
> From: schwartz at acm.org
> To: plug-discuss at lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
> Subject: Re: OT? Request for programming quote
> CC: joe at actionline.com; schwartz at acm.org
> On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 8:44 AM, Josef Lowder <joe at actionline.com> wrote:
> > I've marked this message "OT?" because I don't know if this is off
> > topic or not ... or if there is a better forum where I might submit
> > this inquiry.
> >
> > I need help creating a small program (html I think) to be used for a
> > presentation that I envision working as described below.  First take a
> > look at this image:
> >
> > http://www.upquick.com/view/top20most.jpg
> >
> > 1. The opening image would have all 20 white spaces blank.
> > 2. When questioning an audience on the "Top 20" subject, as anyone
> > gives a response that corresponds to one of the hidden titles in one
> > of the blank white spaces, I would click on that space and the
> > corresponding title should appear.
> > 3. On my laptop computer, I would see a version of this display with
> > all the blank white spaces filled in, so I would know which window to
> > mouse click on to have that white blank window filled in.
> > 4. Ideally, clicking on any window should work like an on/off switch.
> > Click on it once and it fills in. Click again and it blanks out.
> >
> > I would only need code for two or three windows as an example and I
> > could replicate that and add the applicable  titles for all of the
> > blank spaces.
> >
> > Please email me directly at joe at actionline.com
> > ---------------------------------------------------
> > PLUG-discuss mailing list - [...]
> reply to both sender "and" list (I hope that is OK):
> I suppose you would want to have the rights
> (non-exclusive rights, at least)
> to the source code
> (right?)
> (because then, you could tweak it... what am I saying?
>    everyone here already knows! the advantages
>    of having the source code
>    [incl. the rights to use it, and to modify it]...)
> if that is an "affirmative",  (right?)  and/OR
> if you are on a budget (just a guess, here!)
>    then, here is an idea:  you might be
>    able to find some CS class, where they are
>    teaching / learning programming.  Maybe you
>    could get one student to choose this for their
>    project, and they could still get some academic
>    credit for writing the code
>    (if school rules don't prohibit that)
>    [hmm, do they?],
>    plus, presumably they could do it for fairly cheap
>    since they (let's assume) have to do "some"
>    school project anyway
>    (I am thinking college, probably [/community college]
>        [or DeVry? or U of Phoenix?],  vs. HS, but hey,
>        whatever works the best...)
> Maybe you could even get multiple students
>    (in the same class?)
>    to do so (offer some prize for the best, or for
>    all the ones that you copy / "use" ideas from)
> I am not "sure" that you could find such a deal,
>    but it seems like it would be a good idea, if you can.
> Plus, if you were to work with the coder[s],
>    let's say on trying to define / 'nail down' the
>    requirements,
>    and on evaluating "prototype" versions of the code,
>    "feasibility study" / trial versions, etc.,
>    and providing feedback to the coders,
>    (and maybe *getting* some input from them!
>       -- i.e., answers to questions that maybe
>      you did not even think to ask!)
>    then,
>    you would probably get to know them
>    somewhat - - and that is a plus for the
>    future, at least potentially it "might" be...
>    even if you don't end up hiring them in the future,
>    [who knows...], it still might be a "networking"
>    << 'win' >>, in some sense, for both of you
>     - - that is,
>    once you've gotten to know them better,
>    then  (maybe) (eventually)
>    you meet their friends,
>    they meet your friends, [. . .],
>    lather rinse and repeat
>    (until loop exit condition == TRUE)
> -- 
> Mike Schwartz
> Glendale  AZ
> schwartz at acm.org
> ---------------------------------------------------
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> To subscribe, unsubscribe, or to change your mail settings:
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