Disable winbindd?

Eric Shubert ejs at shubes.net
Fri Oct 3 15:48:49 MST 2008

Craig White wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-10-03 at 14:47 -0700, Eric Shubert wrote:
>> Alan Dayley wrote:
>>> On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 1:06 PM, Eric Shubert <ejs at shubes.net> wrote:
>>>> What you describe sounds nonsensical to me. Sounds like you want to use
>>>> Linux authentication in addition to a windows domain controller. That'd be
>>>> like trying to use 2 different domain controllers together. I don't see how
>>>> you can keep your windows DC and still have samba do authentication separate
>>>> from that (unless you do peer-to-peer type authentication, which would be
>>>> security = share). I think samba is designed to either work independently
>>>> (entirely), or work together with a domain controller. I could be wrong
>>>> though (it's been known to happen). ;)
>>>> You might want to read up on samba server types:
>>>> http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/ServerType.html
>>> Maybe what we need to do cannot be done with Samba, which I am willing
>>> to entertain.
>>> We have a certain class of business data that must be completely
>>> restricted from all but a specific list of users.  For specific
>>> reasons the restricted people include the IT department.  If
>>> authentication of users is controlled by the domain controller, the IT
>>> department has indirect control over the data.  So this share cannot
>>> have authentication by the domain.
>>> (I'm ignoring the fact that SMB is not a secure data protocol over the
>>> wire.  That is very important but, for the moment, is being
>>> selectively ignored.)
>>> So we want the Samba server to be a stand-alone server.  Each allowed
>>> user will have a Linux user defined on the server.  When a user wants
>>> to get to the data, they connect to "\\SpecialServer\restricted",
>>> enter their Linux user ID and password and connect to the share.
>>> Are you saying this operational configuration is not possible or just
>>> a bad idea?
>> Sounds like it'd be possible using Share-Level Security "security = share".
>> See
>> http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/ServerType.html#id2552417
> ----
> NO - don't use security = share
> Craig

I don't think would, Craig.

Question though, is how does one use samba authentication (aka standalone
server with separate authentication) while already logged into a windoze domain?

-Eric 'shubes'

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