OT: Pentagon Hit by Unprecedented Cyber Attack

kitepilot at kitepilot.com kitepilot at kitepilot.com
Fri Nov 21 06:25:44 MST 2008

>> The real problem is that nobody wants to trust something that you get 
>> for free. There's a certain irrational sense of security to be had by 
>> paying for something rather than downloading it from the internet. 

I can (sorta anyway) understand that...
What BLOWS mi mind, is that there is a system out there in the world, that 
has been universally recognized as secure, that is actively backed up by 
brilliant minds and scientists well beyond most human beings expectations, 
that is completely open and verifiable, etc, etc, etc... 

And then there is this "other system", that has been proven cumbersome and 
vulnerable, that features characteristics highly dependant on commercial 
interests, claiming a 5-years cycle of (WoW!!!) innovation that nobody (not 
even them) has been able to pinpoint (compare that to last 5 years of your 
favorite Ubuntu flavor), and that was invisibly and unaccountably evaluated 
by this team of (insert here here your favorite radical political or 
religious affiliation known to "disagree" with US), and we have Mr. Bill 
Gates in the flesh, known for a trajectory of fair business practices, 
transparency and sharing of knowledge, to come out of that secret vault that 
holds that inaccessible code and say: "Yeah; it's the most secure system I 
have ever seen.." 

I'll go get all my wife's naughty pictures and store them in one of those 
computers right now...

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