OT: PHP Framework Management

Alex Dean alex at crackpot.org
Fri Nov 7 08:54:05 MST 2008

On Nov 7, 2008, at 8:39 AM, Eric Cope wrote:

> Hello all,
> I write PHP using the CodeIgniter framework. They have new releases  
> regularly and I spend several hours updating all of my sites to the  
> new framework. Does anyone else on the list write code around a  
> framework (it doesn't have to be PHP or CodeIgniter)? How do you  
> manage framework updates?
> Thanks,
> Eric

Have good unit tests on your code so you can tell what's broken after  
you update.  You can use the code-coverage features in XDebug and  
PHPUnit to see where you might be missing tests.

Recheck any assumptions written into any mock objects your tests use.   
It's up to you to verify that a mock actually behaves like the real  
thing.  When the real implementation changes, but you don't update the  
mocks, you'll have passing tests but your code is actually broken.

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