We are screwed.

Alex Dean alex at crackpot.org
Wed Nov 5 11:49:38 MST 2008

On Nov 5, 2008, at 11:42 AM, Craig White wrote:

> The graduated income tax scale has been US law for a century now and  
> the
> commentary that includes the socialist label upon any particular  
> faction
> for adjusting the indexes of the graduated scale merely proves the  
> point
> that some people cannot help but get suckered into class warfare
> advanced by the Republicans.


Good insight on the GOP and the working class.

For those not inclined to read the whole thing :

   The conservative movement made its name battling moral relativists  
on campus, bellowing for a "strict construction"
   of our nation's founding documents, and pandering to people who  
believe that the Book of Genesis literally records
   the origins of human existence.

   And yet here are the words of Ronald Reagan's pollster, Richard  
Wirthlin, as recorded in one of the main Reagan
   strategy documents from 1980: "People act on the basis of their  
perception of reality; there is, in fact, no political
   reality beyond what is perceived by the voters."
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