E side meetings for April, May (was: Re: W Side ... 26-Mar-2008 ...)

JD Austin jd at twingeckos.com
Thu Mar 27 11:19:32 MST 2008

I've lurked on the list for a long time :)
I never seem to have time to go to the Plug meetings.
I'd be willing to give a presentation on Asterisk so long as the meeting 
day doesn't conflict with another meeting I have; however I'd like to 
know what people would like to know more about.  Talking about Asterisk 
is a lot like talking about Linux.. it is a broad subject :)
I did one a couple of years ago that was just too broad (I tried to 
cover everything).

Mike Schwartz wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 10:27 PM, der.hans <PLUGd at lufthans.com> wrote:
>> Am 26. Mar, 2008 schwätzte Kevin Faulkner so:
>>>> That would be great. I even hope to make it this month as I'm now teaching
>>>> Tue and Thu nights rather than Mon and Wed nights.
>>> Does that mean that you will not be able to attend east side meetings?
>> I will make the April east side meeting. I'm bringing my class over :).
>> We need a couple of good presentations for that meeting.
>> I'd love to have at least one of the following or something in the same
>> vein:
>> MythTV
>> Blender
>> Inkscape
>> Asterisk
>> video games
>> I will be late for the May meeting if I make it at all.
>>> Are you using Alpine?
>> Yes.
>> ciao,
>> der.hans
>> --
>> #  https://www.LuftHans.com/        http://www.CiscoLearning.org/
>> [...]
>> ---------------------------------------------------
>> PLUG-discuss mailing list - [...]
> I just wanted to move ("copy")
>  this message from der.hans (see above) to a
>  new "title", even if it is in some sense still in
>  the same "thread" ("for some purposes").
>  ...because the info above is largely about the E side meeting,
>  so the title
>       "Re: W Side Meeting 26-Mar-2008 - - pizza?"
> is not appropriate for it.
>  (it might be harder to find, for someone who had
>    seen the message before, but had forgotten where it was)
>  ("title" wise, or thread wise, or something)
>  "moved" (or, re-"titled") by:
>  --
>  Mike Schwartz
>  Glendale AZ
>  schwartz at acm.org
> ---------------------------------------------------
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JD Austin
Twin Geckos Technology Services LLC
email: jd at twingeckos.com
phone/fax: 480.288.8195 

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