easy way to create a daemon

Nathan nathan at paysonlinux.org
Wed Mar 26 14:01:14 MST 2008

On Wednesday 26 March 2008 13:59:59 Joshua Zeidner wrote:
> Hello,
>   Is there an easy way to create a daemon without creating an init.d
> script, etc.?  My needs are pretty modest, the process just needs to
> persist after logout.  I can kill it manually when need be.
> Thanks,
>   jmz

what I do is ssh into which ever box it is, even the local machine, and run 
the command with an & at the end, then exit out. From there I can do whatever 
I want, except reboot and it will continue running. is that possible?

PaysonLinux Workstation 4.0.1
 Because Windows Sucks.

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