rhce difficulty / focus

Joey Prestia joey at linuxamd.com
Sun Mar 9 13:09:32 MST 2008

Joshua Zeidner wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 9:03 AM, Joey Prestia <joey at linuxamd.com> wrote:
>> Randy Melder wrote:
>>  > Wondering if anyone in the list has taken the RHCE exam in the last two years?
>>  >
>>  > What did it cover? What surprises were there?
>>  >
>>  > Also, did you use the book "RHCE Red Hat Certified Engineer Linux
>>  > Study Guide (Exam RH302) (Certification Press)" to prepare? How would
>>  > you rate it?
>>  >
>>  > Thanks!
>>  >
>>  Randy,
>>  I have not taken the test, but I got to the RedHat Academy at Estrella
>>  Mountain Community College and Know this they make you sign a non
>>  disclosure agreement when you take the test so that you cannot talk
>>  about the test or they will take your certification.
>   Wow, thats pretty extreme!  I've never heard of that kind of tactic
> before.  Do you know if this NDA exists somewhere online?  or are you
> not allowed to talk about that either?  :)
>>  Which I can understand.
>   Seems a bit excessive to me, its a cost saving measure in that they
> don't have to have as many questions, etc.  The whole 'adaptive
> testing' movement was born of this very situation.

I'm not certified yet but as a student at EMCC  have asked questions and 
all I get is the same answer that their not allowed to say. I was told 
it was so that teachers don't teach to the test to help the students 
pass the test thereby lowering the value of the certification. No I 
haven't seen it any where online but have found several articles online 
mentioning it  http://www.linux.com/articles/35283

Joey Prestia
L. G. Mirror Coordinator
Joey at linuxamd.com
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