openings for paintball
PLUGd at
Sat Jun 14 10:19:28 MST 2008
Am 14. Jun, 2008 schwätzte Lisa Kachold so:
> Number of new PB openings available (suddenly due to cancellations)?
I have reservations for a number of people at an indoor paintball facility
today. Due to some cancellations I've paid for more people than we have
listed. If others show up to take the place of those cancellation I don't
need squeeze my money out of some south americans from a multi-colored
company. Plus, then we'd have more people playing in our group :).
> It's 25 green backed frog pelts, I know. $25.00
You have 25 OLPCs? Wow! :)
> You need extra ammo I heard, however it was not clear if this liquidish gish is purchasable at the indoor facility?
Paintballs must come from the facility. No outside paintballs are allowed.
> I could scrounge up a flack jacket, what else do I need? Safety equipment is non-specialized for geekgirls?
They have safety equipment for all sizes. I'm not certain about all
contours, but don't remember any particular problems when I was there
If you're worried about marks I whould suggest wearing a long-sleeve shirt
and pants.
> I have a SharpShooter's Badge from the USArmy in Weurzberg from 1976. Shall I wear it for your derision after you summarily and without deference take me out?
Did that require shooting the top off of beer bottles at 300 paces so the
officers could finish drinking it before you got close enough for your
> Any other LinuxChix balling paint with the PLUG?
I haven't gotten confirmation on any other LinnuxChix :(.
The instructor from the OOo class might show up, but she wasn't able to
guaranteer her attendance. My wife is going. A friend of hers might be
coming as well, but we haven't gotten verification. I believe a couple of
girls are coming as well, but I didn't require gender registration.
There were lots of women there last year and they weren't all chaperones
wanting to remind their kids to behave :).
> Location of the venue and muster times (or links to the full announcement, please)?
Noon at Xtreme Pursuit. It's at 43rd Ave and Camelback. That the shopping
center on the north side of the road just before you get to the evil grand
I don't think we all need to be there right at noon, but it'll simplify
things greatly.
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