ubuntu, x11, nvidia

Matt Graham danceswithcrows at usa.net
Wed Jul 30 12:19:44 MST 2008

From: Trent Shipley <tshipley at deru.com>
> Ubuntu won't autodetect my new Westinghouse L1916HW monitor.

CRT, LCD, TV, what is it?  And what do you mean "won't autodetect"?
Monitors are simple.  Did you mean "is detected incorrectly, so I
get about 640x480 out of it"?

> Is there an Ubuntu tool to configure X11?
> If not, how do I do configure X11 with a text editor?

Edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf , assuming that Ubuntu doesn't do the
wrong thing and rewrite that file with auto-detected info on boot.
(SuSE did this for a while.)  Find the "Monitor" section.  In this
section, enter 2 lines:

HorizSync  N - M
VertRefresh X - Y

...if your monitor is a CRT, these values are in The Fine Manual
that came with your monitor.  If it's an LCD, Hsync should be about
38-90 while Vsync should be about 55-160.  LCDs don't *have* hsync
and vsync, but X pretends they do.

Then find the Display subsection.  Make sure that the Modes line
contains appropriate Modes for your monitor.  Like so:
   Depth   24
   Modes   "1280x1024"
...since this LCD's native size is 1280x1024.

If this is a TV, things get more complex.  TVs are weird.

Matt G / Dances With Crows
The Crow202 Blog:  http://crow202.org/wordpress/
There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see

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