180 degree [at least 175] TYPO (was: Re: Tee Shirts?)

Mike Schwartz schwartz at acm.org
Thu Jul 10 10:33:18 MST 2008

On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 8:20 AM, Alan Dayley <alandd at consultpros.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Sure you can design some how you want!  PLUG is not a legal entity and
> there is now real central, controlling authority.  It's all by community
> consensus.
> Speaking as a member of the Steering Committee: It'd be nice for the
> group to have a consistent "look and feel" to the world.  So 14
> different logos would be bad.  14 different ways to use the same logo
> would be good.
> Speaking as a member of the group: Go hog wild!  Design up something and
> see where it takes us.  Whatever you like, just keep the rest of us as
> involved as we want to be.
> Alan
> PS I enjoy your enthusiasm!
> Lisa Kachold wrote:
> | ....and none in Girl Styles?
> |
> | Gee, can't we design a new logo ourselves and sell  them from like Cafe
> | Press via a "store portal" on the site page?
> |
> | We just request design submissions from EveryOne?
> |
> | Maybe make our own version of the README type shirt?
> |
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What a TYPO:

> there is now real central, controlling authority.

I think you meant "no real" (vs. "now real").
- - that = about 180 degrees diff meaning!
(almost like, the ever popular typo "not" vs. "now")

PS:  I remember when der.hans brought some of
      the "recently discovered" shirts to meetings.
      Are those all gone now?
      I once got one of them -- probably as a gift
         for Craig Brandenburg.
Mike Schwartz
Glendale AZ
schwartz at acm.org

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