Cisco VPN Client for Linux

Kurt Granroth kurt+plug-discuss at
Wed Jul 2 20:39:02 MST 2008

David Huerta wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone knew where I could acquire a copy of Cisco
> Systems' VPN Client for Linux, as the Cisco website doesn't seem to
> want to let me have it even after registering with them and going
> here:

As others have mentioned, you might want to try vpnc.  The big advantage 
of vpnc is that you don't have to recompile it every time you update 
your kernel.  I use it every day in a roundabout way... specifically, 
it's tied into NetworkManager.  It's very slick, very easy, and works 
every time.

If you *do* require the Cisco VPN client, though, here's a bit of info.

Cisco restricts distribution of the VPN client to the organization that 
buys their VPN server.  That is, you are supposed to get your client 
from your sys admins along with the group password and such.  Some 
larger groups (like universities) even customize the vpn client with 
their logos and specific settings and the like.

This restriction does make it hard to get the latest client if your VPN 
admins only support Windows clients.  In that case, you have to find the 
latest and greatest yourself.  Google is your friend!

Personally, I've stopped searching around and just go to this site:

This guy uses the Cisco VPN client every day with the latest updated 
kernel and he makes sure it compiles and runs via patches that he 
creates.  That means that you are pretty much guaranteed to find a 
working version from his site.

Note that the x86_64 version is *not* a 64-bit only version as one might 
assume.  It's a source package like all the rest.  It just means that it 
*can* compile under a 64-bit system.  I found that I had to use it even 
with a 32-bit OS with a relatively new kernel.  YMMV.


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