swap space

eculbert eculbert at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 30 10:17:21 MST 2008

IIRC floppies run at 150Kbs! Hard drives now days run
at a MINIMUM of 33 mb/s, most 66 to over 100 mbs.
Divide 33,000,000 by 150,000 and you get 220 times
faster for the 33mb/s hard drive faster than a
floppy!! Plus the other peoples comments still
apply..too small, and undependable.

Now days, 33mb/s hard drives are 'slow'!!


--- Michael Havens <bmike101 at cox.net> wrote:

> I want to make use of my floppy disk; thus I wish to
> use it as my swap space. 
> How many bytes
> I was wondering.... a flopy drive is very much
> useless. Why not use it as the 
> swap space?  If we were going to how many
> bytes/blocks are in a floppy?
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