Last Day on the PLUG

Charles Jones charles.jones at
Wed Jan 16 14:55:21 MST 2008

Nathan Aubrey wrote:
> On Wednesday 16 January 2008 02:42:46 pm you wrote:
>> On Wed, 2008-01-16 at 13:19 -0700, Nathan Aubrey wrote:
>>> Howdy Pluggers,
>>> After 15 years of linux, today is my last day. Though I plan to continue
>>> linux use on my personal laptop, my professional computer career is
>>> ending tomorrow, but since I won't be at work, it really is today. I'm
>>> venturing off to a new career!
>>> I've been a member of this list for many years, though lately I've only
>>> seemed to be lurking. I appreciate the help and the flame bait over the
>>> years. I wish you all the best of luck in the future.
>> ----
>> is there a rule that if you get a job in the real world that you have to
>> unsub from PLUG?
>> I am definitely curious...what are you going to be doing if not
>> computers?
>> Good luck
>> Craig
> I am moving into the world of law enforcement. As of Friday, 01/18/2008
> I am a police officer. All I know is linux, so I'll continue to use it, but 
> since I rarely use it at home, just because I don't have internet access, I 
> don't expect to do too much. I may not unsub, just continue to lurk.
As a police officer who knows computers, maybe you could get a job in 
the "cybercrime" dept. :)
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