Worst cell provider I have seen

Jon M. Hanson jon at the-hansons-az.net
Mon Jan 7 13:11:56 MST 2008

Bluetooth has nothing to do with the phone network. It's a wireless standard between two devices. Carriers (Verizon comes to mind) that have been known to cripple or disable Bluetooth file transfer on their phones so you have to use their network (and be charged by them). Is this what you referring to?

------Original Message------
From: der.hans
Sender: plug-discuss-bounces at lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
To: Main PLUG discussion list
ReplyTo: Main PLUG discussion list
Sent: Jan 7, 2008 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: Worst cell provider I have seen

Am 07. Jan, 2008 schwätzte Charles Jones so:

> Attached is a link to a screenshot 
> <http://www.the-ownage.com/gallery/albums/Miscellaneous/rogersucks.png> of 
> what I received. I couldn't believe it.  For anyone who doesn't want to click 
> the link, here is a summary:
> * No matter what subject he sets for his message, it gets overriden with "You 
> have received a Picture Message from your Rogers Wireless friend..."
> * Besides the picture that he meant to send, included in the message were a 
> * ...including advertisements in picture format, and other needless crap like 
> their logo banner, verisign logos, etc.
> So basically the MMS "feature" of his cell service is useless, as they force 
> in a bunch of spam images and override your subject and body text with their 
> own. We tested and it does this even if sending mobile-to-mobile MMS. What 
> are they thinking?

This is why I want bluetooth syncing to my computer over my network and
not using their network. If there is syncing over their network I want it
via an encrypted tunnel from my phone/PDA to my computer and only open on
the originating device and my network.

The phone company doesn't need copies of my pictures and doesn't need to
be mucking with them or tracking them.

Maybe it's time to try community run mesh networks again :).


#  https://www.LuftHans.com/        http://www.CiscoLearning.org/
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#  by a bobblehead doll!" -- Randy Glasbergen, 13Mar2006

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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