what is support? WAS Sccts guy contradicts RIAA document

JT Moree moreejt at pcxperience.com
Sun Jan 6 18:18:44 MST 2008

Hash: SHA1

der.hans wrote:
> That's why I suggested we try to help Howell. I don't support illegally
> sharing copyrighted works. I also don't support large corporations
> with deep pockets suing people into oblivion. I especially don't
> support the big companies if they're using that case to try to cause me
> problems. Trying to curtail fair use is definitely something that causes
> me problems.

I'm not trying to argumentative with this statement. ;)

Are you sure you are not supporting 'large corporations with deep
pockets who sue people into oblivion'?

If you speak of the music and movie industry I find that hard to
believe.  The act of buying the music and movies supports those
corporations.   Even the act of 'pirating' the content supports those
corporations because it shows them that there is a demand for it.

The only way to NOT support them is to NOT consume their goods.  It's
very much like the way we use Microsoft software or a version of Linux.
 Who do you support and how?  I don't use Microsoft software because I
don't like it and I don't want to give Microsoft my money.  I also don't
'pirate' Microsoft software for the same reasons I don't consume very
much of the content the media industry puts out.  One of those reasons
is because most of it is crap.

- --
JT Morée
PC Xperience, Inc.
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