
Kurt Granroth kurt+plug-discuss at granroth.com
Sat Jan 5 20:55:59 MST 2008

der.hans wrote:
> Shawn and others were talking about keeping files on a bunch of machines
> in sync.
> We discussed rsync, Unison and other tools. I don't think csync2 made it
> into the conversation.
> csync2 - cluster synchronization tool
> http://oss.linbit.com/csync2/

Cool!  I hadn't heard of csync2 before.  I am right now envisioning
various scenarios where I could use such a tool :-)

According to their PDF whitepaper, it uses much the same technology as
Unison.  One major difference, though, is that it uses librsync rather
than implement their own version of the rsync algorithm.

I mention that because librsync is a curious project.  It is the most
used library from a "dead" project that I've ever seen.  That is, there
has never been a stable release of librsync (it's always "pre"
something) and hasn't been worked on in more than a year.  There are
exactly TWO messages to the librsync devel list for all of 2007.  Yet
quite a few projects use librsync as a fundamental part of their
infrastructure.  One almost wonders if one of those higher-level
projects shouldn't just adopt librsync and call whatever is out there
now 1.0...


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