Off-Topic: Looking for Hardware Recommendations

Matt Graham danceswithcrows at
Fri Jan 4 16:31:10 MST 2008

After a long battle with technology, gm5729 wrote:
> Honestly the best choice is to get a gaming platform/console and use
> it.... cheaper and designed for games

I see you missed the OP's saying "one of my daughters likes to play WoW".  You 
can't play WoW on a WiiXboxPS2 according to Blizzard, so that won't work for 
the OP's needs.

Higher-end gaming was never my thing.  xmame, snes9x, epsxe, sdl-gnuboy, and 
fceu = plenty to keep me amused.  If the games that everybody likes will run 
OK on an older box with 2200MHz/512M/40G/reasonable graphics card (like the 
OP said), then it's reasonable to spend $350 on that.  The graphics card spec 
really depends on the exact games the users want.  To avoid hassles later, it 
might be worth getting a card that's a little more powerful than you need 
right now, since game updates may mean the GPU has to work harder.

Remotely managing a 'Doze machine from a Linux machine can be done reasonably 
easily.  Turn on whatever 'Doze uses for desktop sharing, then use rdesktop 
from the Linux side.  Or install TightVNC Server on the 'Doze machine and use 
any VNC client from the Linux machine.  Remotely managing a Linux box from 
a 'Doze box is easy; just use PuTTY or a VNC client.  HTH,

   I think I'll go hold my head under a bucket of vodka until I feel
   --localroger on, 06/26/2003
There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see

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