Confrontation and bickering (Was: Re: chix finder)

Erich Newell erich.newell at
Tue Feb 26 08:54:33 MST 2008

I missed out on this I cannot comment on the bickering.

That said, it has been my experience that all discussion groups that are
comprised of a wide array of participants will occasionally fall into

It is the way of the universe.

What I find disheartening is the number of adults I meet who are completely
unable to handle any level of disagreement or contention in their
relationships and lives. As for me, I enjoy knowing and being friends with
people who have radically different views than my own. We can argue until
2am to the point where we're foaming at the mouth...and once we're tired of
tearing down each others ideas, sit back and have a cup of coffee and talk
about something source software?

For those who seem unable to debate without personal insult: Please learn to
focus discussion on the topic at hand and not the belief structure or mental
faculties of others involved in the conversation.

For those who seem unable to debate without personal injury: The world is
filled with those who are every bit as intelligent, clever and passionate as
you are...who hold a viewpoint diametrically opposed to yours. Please grow a

For the record: I welcome any and all comments. My feelings are
indestructible. Debate and discourse feed my soul and help me to shape the
axioms of my life and allow me to better understand others...even those who
infuriate me to no end. (You know who you are)

I look forward to some quality discussions with you all, especially those
concerning our common love of Linux.

Best Regards,
   Erich Newell

"A man is defined by the questions that he asks; and the way he goes about
finding the answers to those questions is the way he goes through life."
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