Ubuntu and Dell

Matt Graham danceswithcrows at usa.net
Thu Feb 21 11:19:17 MST 2008

From: "Joshua Zeidner" <jjzeidner at gmail.com>
> Matt Graham wrote:
>> Eric "Shubes" wrote:
>>> Anyone been to the Ubuntu home page lately? It's sporting Dell desktop
>>> notebooks which come with Ubuntu preloaded (and certified).
>> "Dude!  They've SOLD OUT!  Bummer, man!  I was using Ubuntu *before* it
>> was mainstream!  Their early CDs were, like, really something...."
>   I'm not sure they've 'SOLD OUT!'... but rather found a way to
> finance what they want to do, which is work on Ubuntu, I'm not sure if
> its right to suspect some kind of devious motive.  As long as they are
> using legitimate OSS licenses, whats the difference?

That was me channeling the "I listened to $BAND *before* they were 
mainstream!!1!" scenester community.  I thought the rest of that message
made that clear... guess not.

> It seems to me that Linux people have some very deeply ingrained phobia
> of all commercial transactions.

Not all.  It's just that when money gets involved in a thing where there
was very little money before, that thing starts to attract people who
care more about the money than about the original goals of the thing.
That can cause problems in the short and long term.  And of course, many
of us remember the dot-bomb era and the money just going *poof* overnight.

> Sure Dell is going to find all sorts of ways to exploit the
> community, and its our job to keep track of those things and keep each
> other informed.

I don't think they're dumb enough to violate the GPLv2.  They might try
to dump tech support for their stuff on various webforums and mailing
lists.  Not sure how exploitative that is, though, since those forums and
lists are often set up to provide tech support at least partially.

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