how "" works (was: Re: Proposal: new "plug-offtopic" email list [ linux ...])

Mike Schwartz schwartz at
Thu Feb 14 12:58:34 MST 2008

On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 11:33 AM, Technomage-hawke
<technomage.hawke at> wrote:

> On Thursday 14 February 2008 06:19, Shawn Badger wrote:
> > Other than the emails about politics which could be considered spam at
> > least by me, I can't remember the last time I saw spam on the plug mailing
> > list. Maybe it is just me though.
> I wasn't specifically complaining about *this* list. There are a lot of other
> lists that I have been seeing bounces from lately (and none of them I am
> subscribed to). it seems my e-mail got harvested and someone has been using
> it as a "return envelope" address.
> unfortunately, just about all listserv software bounces back to the given
> return address.
> it seems that those folks that manage listserv's have never bothered with any
> kind of spam administration (spamd and others). I have contacted several of
> the admins on some of these lists and been told that they let the package
> deal with spam (IOW, it bounces back to the "victim" <in this case ME> and
> said victim has to deal with the mess.).
> now, politics that has relevance to linux or freedom of choice (in your use of
> OS) is never off topic (IMHO). the healthcare debacle we just went through
> wasn't specifically on topic, but it did provide a barometer of who was alive
> on this list <evil grin>.
> anyway. thats my beef with listserv admins who don't pay attention or do their
> jobs (and its one of the reasons I have been seeing 400 "backscatter spams" a
> day for the last week!).
> ---------------------------------------------------
> PLUG-discuss mailing list - PLUG-discuss at
> To subscribe, unsubscribe, or to change your mail settings:

I have read some stuff (a white paper, e.g.) about greylisting, it might
   be useful for you.
Also, I have a little story to relate.
On Feb. 5, I happened to have occasion to send an e-mail to a guy
      Raymond <chiplambert at>
[I had never e-mailed to before], who uses ""
for his spam arresting.   NOTE, I am not hesitating to give out the guy's
e-mail address here, even though it might wind up in an archive of this
list, on a PLUG web server of some kind.
    The way it worked, was, the robot detected that it did not know who
I was, (bogus or on the level), so it sent me a polite  little "one-time"
e-mail message, saying [in part]
Due to the large amount of Spam that I am receiving, I've opted to use
SpamArrest. Please take a moment to just verify that you are a real
person and I'll get your email.



Please click the link below to complete the verification process.
You have to do this only once.

You are receiving this message in response to your email to Raymond, a
Spam Arrest customer.

Spam Arrest requests that senders verify themselves before their email
is delivered.

When you click the above link, you will be taken to a page with a
graphic on it. Simply read the word in the graphic, type it into the
form, and you're verified.

You have to do this only once per Spam Arrest customer.

Below are the complete headers of the message that this email was
generated in response to.

I do not remember for sure whether there was a CAPTCHA involved,
I think it just required me to click on that link with that very
(& presumably computationally difficult to reverse engineer)
scramble code.
...obviously, the "scramble code" part of that URL (after the "a2?")
must be unique for each sender.
(for each instance of challenging something).

I do not know how much money "" charges
(it is probably explained on their site)
but it sounds like this guy Chip uses them,
so it must be worth it, for him.

Just a comment,
Mike Schwartz
Glendale AZ
schwartz at

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