****Re: ot: Fourth Amendment... gone forever?

Craig White craigwhite at azapple.com
Wed Feb 13 09:14:36 MST 2008

On Wed, 2008-02-13 at 07:56 -0800, keith smith wrote:
> Any time the government gets involved you can bet efficiency will go
> down while cost will go up.
why? because I buy into memes posited by others who want me to believe
them without examination?
> I think his point is that you do not have to worry about going BK
> since you will die without treatment.
already answered that - see today's Arizona Republic that specifically
speaks to prostrate cancer and the timetable for response. I'm glad you
didn't get sucked into an emotional argument that has little merit.
> My father used to complain a lot about our American way of life.  He
> especially complained about the amount of taxes he paid.
ahh...perhaps we didn't have the same father
> While I would like to pay less taxes, I sure did enjoy the 101, 202,
> I-10, etc while I lived in Phoenix.  
the 1/2 cent road tax was voted by Maricopa County residents. This of
course has nothing to do with health care.
> Our government does some good stuff like solid waist removal, sewer,
> water.... ETC.
> However I do not want my government to be involved in anything beyond
> roads, police, fire, sewer, and water.
watch Sicko - you will figure out that government actually provides
'socialized' services in many other arena's too.
> I worked for an HMO 10 years ago and they need to be held accountable.
> Still not a bad system.
Thankfully, the thrusts by various political factions to limit awards on
medical malpractice haven't been too effective but it's not from a lack
of will or effort.


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