Implications Of Yahoo-MSFT merger

Alan Dayley alandd at
Fri Feb 1 17:32:51 MST 2008

Joshua Zeidner wrote:
>  Without a doubt- the Linux world just made a major shift towards all
> things Google.  I would be interested to know if Yahoo is moving to
> .NET.
>  Any other prognostications out there?

I really enjoy my Flickr account.  I just got my family and friends used
to going there to see my photos.  If this deal goes through, I worry
what will happen to the Flickr service.  I still have over a year of
paid subscription to go.

It'll be some months before the deal finalizes, if it does.  And even
then probably some time before any drastic changes happen.  But still, I
now have to look into migrating to Zoomr or Picasa or something.

General prognostications:
- After some discussion and hand waving about monopolies and too much
power in one company, the deal will be approved.
- Yahoo employees will be applying to Google and any other place even
faster than they are already.
- Yahoo sign-in will be migrated to MS Passport or whatever they call it
now days.  With an Active-X control.  Which is when I would HAVE to say
goodbye to Flickr.
- The Yahoo name will be kept but the guts methodically morphed to the
"try to please everyone just like MSN doesn't" design goal.
- Flickr and Yahoo Mail will be integrated into the new MS Office Live
service to begin loosing relevance rapidly.
- In three years MS will have molded it all into the MS plain yogurt
such that the Yahoo name will be only an historical footnote like Hotmail.

Those are just my ramblings on the matter.


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