Logging onto plug

der.hans PLUGd at LuftHans.com
Thu Aug 21 12:00:07 MST 2008

Am 21. Aug, 2008 schwätzte Jamie Shackles so:

moin moin Jamie,

> I am a new Plug user, and as you can see, I got confirmation from the mail forums when I signed up because I am using it.  My problem is this, I also signed up on the main Plug page.  I never received a confirmation email back from that. I have tried to login but it keeps saying I'm using the wrong pass word.  I usually keep the same pass word on all these sites so it confused me a bit, but weird things happen.  I then put in for a passwrod change, and again it said it would be emailed to me. It still has not emailed me.  I would like use this site...any ideas?

Do you allow cookies? Drupal does a bad job of realizing cookies are being
blocked, but depends on them :(.

Does your ISP do greylisting? If so it might take a while for the mail to

I am asking the system administrators to check that the email went out.


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