[Fwd: Rejected email connections after GMail move]

Joseph Sinclair plug-discussion at stcaz.net
Wed Aug 20 09:46:02 MST 2008

My bet, not knowing more about the specific setup, is that you're using the Cox SMTP server to send email "originating" from the GMail account.
Since so many spammers try to impersonate every web-based email service out there (ever notice how much spam claims to come from yahoo.com, but really routed from some random tier-3 country net?) a lot of servers reject any email from Yaho/GMail/MSN/etc... unless it has a valid DomainKey signature and routes from that service's domain.
The only way I know around it is to use the GMail web interface for email hosted on GMail.  With the stupidity of Cox blocking SMTP, it's going to get progressively harder to send any email unless it has your @cox.com address in the from field (I don't even remember what mine is!).
Unless/until Cox gets their collective heads out of their collective wallets, I don't see much in the way of options to get around that at the moment...

Tuna, Here's your Scooby snack...


Tuna wrote:
> I'm supposed to forward this to the list.
> /me waits patiently yet eagerly for a Scooby-snack
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Rejected email connections after GMail move
> Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2008 20:46:06 -0700
> From: Alan Dayley <alandd at consultpros.com>
> To: tuna at supertunaman.com
> I have moved my consultpros.com email to Google Apps to get off the
> restricted Cox email service.  But now I have a problem.  When I email
> from Thunderbird through GMail, some servers reject the email
> connection and won't take the email.  I only find this out hours later
> when the sending server warns of a failure to connect.  PLUG's email
> server is one of the rejectors.  I can do fine via the web interface,
> thus you see this email.
> I posted a query in Google Groups discussions with all the details and
> my theory but no viable answers so far:
> http://groups.google.com/group/hosted-settingup/browse_thread/thread/62081fb2d7a69c4a#
> Anybody ever seen such a thing before?  Any thoughts about it?
> Alan

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