Exim on Ubuntu

Matt Graham danceswithcrows at usa.net
Tue Aug 19 22:01:07 MST 2008

After a long battle with technology, Eric Cope wrote:
> apt-get'ed exim and mailutils. I installed and ran the dpkg-reconfigure
> command. I am trying to use an external smtp server
> (mail.voltampmedia.com). I highly doubt my ISP blocks smtp

Think again.  Many, many places block or silently discard traffic to port 25 
that doesn't match one of @SMALLNUM destination addresses.  There are far too 
many damned spam zombies out there, you know.  Check your logs for details.

> The mail command works. I see the mail in the queue (sudo mailq).
> However, the mail just sits in the queue, never going anywhere.

Check the logs.  Crank the log level up and then force a redelivery attempt 
with the exim equivalent of "postqueue -f" if there's nothing in the logs.

> The lack of google results scares me. Either it is so insanely easy, that
> its not even worth putting tutorials online, or

It sounds like you want to use a smarthost.  As such, check out 
http://wiki.exim.org/FAQ/Routing_to_remote_hosts/Q0304 as well as the obvious 
toplevel site.  The default Debian config for exim is also a complete mess, 
about 10 separate files when it should really be 1 file, and there's a way to 
fix that but it's been forever since I worked with it.  There's a ton of 
useful info in the README and on the wiki.  HTH anyway,

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Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see

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