Wiki/Apache Issues
Michael Sammartano
volinaz at
Sat Aug 16 08:28:46 MST 2008
Not exactly sure of the problem 100%, however, redirecting DNS to 8080 is bad. Most routers are set to remote management on 88 or 8080. I would however redirect DNS to say port 70 or 81 on the public side, then have the router direct traffic to the local box on either the same port or 80 for that ip address if allowable. If this is on a simple home router, commodity grade then only one computer may use port 80. If this is on a network with say a cisco, juniper HP procurve router, then each physical port may use port 80 for multiple boxes.
Most DNS servers have the redirect or "web forward" function readily available. The only configuration left would be on the router side. You may have to reset the server to listen on port 81 if 80 is being used on another box or ip. Keep the port numbers low, do not direct into the higer port areas. This may prove to be a security issue in the future.
Hope this helps.
Michael Sammartano
---- GK <gm5729 at> wrote:
> Okay here is an update. Apache was totally borked on that last install. More
> like PHP was because that ended up being my main problem. With a nice and
> fresh Lenny install using the Lenny installer and not the Etch one and
> upgrading it seems like all is nice and stable. I now have a fully
> functioning TikiWiki :) Whoo hooooo......
> My network setup is such that I am on someone elses network. So.... i MUST use
> 8080 instead of 80 and the main router/modem forwards to my router which is
> were my part of the network sits. I can access my TikiWiki through localhost
> fine. AND others can access from outside fine. BUT I get a
> can't connect to host error. It appears I need to set up BIND on the server I
> run to handle the forwarding of DNS properly. The Admin Guide for BIND is
> well written by Debian. The only thing is something must have changed between
> Lenny and Etch because the first command.. bindconfig does NOT work. And when
> I installed the BIND packages there were no config options even presented ..
> i e curses dialog boxes. So any takers to help with this? I am way over my
> head but learning how to do networks and servers and all kinds of fun toys.
> Vi^3PP
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