Wiki/Apache Issues

Craig White craigwhite at
Thu Aug 14 15:58:53 MST 2008

On Thu, 2008-08-14 at 15:50 -0700, GK wrote:
> Okay here is an update. Apache was totally borked on that last install. More 
> like PHP was because that ended up being my main problem. With a nice and 
> fresh Lenny install using the Lenny installer and not the Etch one and 
> upgrading it seems like all is nice and stable. I now have a fully 
> functioning TikiWiki :) Whoo hooooo...... 
> My network setup is such that I am on someone elses network. So.... i MUST use 
> 8080 instead of 80 and the main router/modem forwards to my router which is 
> were my part of the network sits. I can access my TikiWiki through localhost 
> fine. AND others can access from outside fine. BUT I get a 
> can't connect to host error. It appears I need to set up BIND on the server I 
> run to handle the forwarding of DNS properly. The Admin Guide for BIND is 
> well written by Debian. The only thing is something must have changed between 
> Lenny and Etch because the first command.. bindconfig does NOT work. And when 
> I installed the BIND packages there were no config options even presented .. 
> i e curses dialog boxes. So any takers to help with this? I am way over my 
> head but learning how to do networks and servers and all kinds of fun toys.
I don't actually see a question here but I sense that the question is
how to redirect to port 8080 via DNS and the answer is that you can't

I might suggest using webmin for setting up DNS as
that makes it ridiculously simple.


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