How to run a script at startup?

Alex Dean alex at
Wed Aug 6 13:55:11 MST 2008

Bryan O'Neal wrote:
> Ok, apparently things have changed since I had to do custom start up
> scripts.  I tired dumping my script in /ete/init.d/ and sim-linking  it
> out in /etc/rc6.d, /etc/rc5.d, & /etc/rc3.d but I get nothing for my
> efforts.  I goggled around and found chkconfig but all I get is does not
> support chkconfig.  I goggled some more for how to write a service
> script but got nothing useful back.  
> Suggestions? 

Is this a RedHat-esque distro?  I'm guessing so due to the use of chkconfig.

'man chkconfig'

You need to put a special comment in your init script.  chkconfig reads 
this comment to know when to stop/start your script.  You should remove 
any symlinks you manually added to /etc/rc*.d, and let chkconfig manage 
all that stuff for you.

# chkconfig: 2345 55 25
# description: Manages the services you are controlling with the
# chkconfig command

The first set of numbers “2345″ is are the default runlevels for the 
service, and “55″ and “25″ represent the name of the “S” and “K” 
symbolic links, and the order in which the service will be started and 
stopped in the respective runlevel. You will need to change these last 
two numbers, making them unique.

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