Nvidia Problems

Frank Mandato fgm1147 at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 21 10:00:28 MST 2008

 Hello all,

  I have a minor problem with my Nvidia card, its a GEForce6800 and sits in a 64 bit system. Processor is an Intel 2.8Ghz core 2. The current O/S detects it as a dual processor.

  The card has 512Mb of Ram on it. It is a PCI Express card and it does work.

   Here is the problem.... The only O/S so far that I have found, besides windows, which I no longer have installed at all, where the card will actually work within the X-server is SuSE 10.0 and up. What happens when I start another install the GUI is all scrambled, I have tried it on Solaris, Fedora, Ubuntu and even Sidux. Once Sidux was up and running I was able to edit the xorg.conf file to get any kind of display, and I was unsuccessful in duplicating that with Fedora and Ubuntu as well as Solaris.

  I think the default value during the install is set to a depth of 24 which just doesn't work without the correct driver from Nvidia.

  Even when I installed Suse10.0, now it's 10.3, I have had some minor problems, like no mouse cursor, but I did have a working GUI. After downloading and installing the correct driver, everything works.

  I just don't like to be tied down to one O/S and would like to try some others and see if I like them better.

  Thanks for any advice that anyone can give me, or where to look for a solution.


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