Using WordPress permalinks

keith smith klsmith2020 at
Sat Apr 19 14:29:16 MST 2008

HostGator is running 2.3.x on the server I'm on.

I have not gotten to  image uploading.  I was just testing the permalinks.

Tuna <tuna at> wrote: keith smith wrote:
> Thanks Matt,
> I read your post.  I'm thinking it is not the theme since both 
> installations 1) on my dev box 2) on hostgator both use the stock theme 
> and the hostgator WordPress works correctly.
> Thanks again,
> Keith

Did you try image uploading on the HostGator one? We're talking 2.5 
here, correct?

For some reason, image uploading on my WP 2.5 on my HostGator no workey! D:

It returns, "HTTP Error". omgwtfbbq???
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(520) 207-9877
PHP Programmer

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