OT: How to embed an html link in a pdf document

Dennis Kibbe dennisk at member.fsf.org
Fri Apr 18 14:19:34 MST 2008

"Josef Lowder" <joe at actionline.com> writes:

> .
> On Thu, 17 Apr 2008, Josef Lowder wrote
> >
> > Seems like I have seen this before ... 
> > How can one embed an html link inside a pdf document?
> > 
> > I create pdf documents in Pagemaker, then print the 
> > documents to a postscript (.ps) file, then use ps2pdf 
> > to convert the document to PDF.  I then use 'pdftk' 
> > for various pdf tasks, combine files, etc.  But I 
> > haven't been able to figure out how to embed a link 
> > to a web page within a PDF document.
> Well, I've found a partial solution, but it still 
> doesn't work quite right.  By using Open Office, I was 
> able to create a document with a link to a web page in 
> it.  However, it only works when the link is the full 
> URL address.  When I try to rename the link, then the 
> link only works in the OO document and not in the PDF 
> file exported from that document. 
> Hummm ... How can this be corrected?

Not sure I follow you, Joseph. The URL has to be the full URL otherwise it won't work. It's be like me posting that I live at 123 Main St. but leave off the city and state. It would be a meaningless address.


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