How to remove invisible character?

Josef Lowder joe at
Thu Apr 10 06:35:30 MST 2008

Thanks to all.  I used dos2unix and that worked fine, 
but I was also glad to learn about the 'cat -vet' option 
and the idea of using sed.

On Wed, 9 Apr 2008, James Mcphee wrote 
> So you have a carriage {CR}{LF} instead of just {LF}.  That's the windows
return characters instead of just the unix one.  (Mac uses just the {CR}). 
> You can crush that in a couple ways.  The dos2unix utility works fine.  You
could also use sed or vi to snip it.  It shows up as a ^M if you cat -vet or
do a :set list in vi. 

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