Burn Movies to CD

Kurt Granroth kurt+plug-discuss at granroth.com
Sat Apr 5 16:58:10 MST 2008

Josh Nalli wrote:
> what can i use to burn movies to cd's?  i have something called k3b but it 
> only supports mpg mpeg it says.......... is there another program i can use 
> for avi?

Your question is far too vague to give specific answers... but I'll try 

By 'avi', I'm going to assume that you have some divx movies.  Do you 
have a divx capable dvd player?  If so, then you can use k3b to burn 
those .avi files to a CD as if it was a normal data cd and the player 
will pick them up.

Do you not have a divx capable dvd player?  In that case, you'll need to 
convert the divx to something else.  If you only have CDs, then we're 
talking about VCD or SVCD.  Use ffmpeg to convert to the right codec 
(mpeg1 for VCD, mpeg2 for SVCD) and then burn it to the CD with k3b 
("New Video Project").

Do you have a DVD burner?  In that case, you can convert your divx to 
dvd-quality mpeg2 using ffmpeg (or similar) and burn it to the DVD using 
k3b (also as a video project).

If none of those are close to what you are looking for, then you'll have 
to be way more specific.


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