OT: Weird Behaviour

Craig White craigwhite at azapple.com
Wed Sep 19 20:41:51 MST 2007

On Wed, 2007-09-19 at 20:06 -0700, Ray Cantwell wrote:
> Ray Cantwell wrote:
> > I know this is WAY OT but, i am just dumbfounded, i have a thinkpad T30 
> > that was working like a charm when i started noticing issues with the 
> > power being bouncy on it (battery charging light coming on when fully 
> > charged) now i have noticed that when in have it plugged in and charging 
> > my TV set in goes fuzzy and the baby monitors in the house start to get 
> > all goofy, i am no electrical engineer so, has anyone heard of this 
> > behavior.
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> Fixed my own issue, appears my power supply is bad, swapped it out for a 
> new one and all is fine now. Tis' very odd though. Sorry to muddy up the 
> list.
of course the real fix for this is to put it into an old grocery bag
along with at least 3 chicken feathers and seal it shut. Attach a 10
foot rope to the bag, take it out on the front yard, swing it around and
around over your head while chanting 'Om' and it should take care of it
(as long as you swung it at the right speed of course).


This of course reminds me of the time when I got a phone call from a
relatively high profile lawyer (approximately 1987) who had an Macintosh
IICx as an AppleShare Server and his hard drive stopped functioning. Of
course there was no backup of the hard drive and he was desparate.

On the phone, he told me of all the efforts he and some technical people
expended to try to get the hard drive working (Norton Utils for Mac,
etc.) and I told him that I doubted that I had any particular magic to
perform but I would look at it with the provision that I had to leave
town early the next morning. I told him that I would simply charge a
flat fee of $75 and recover what I could.

I went to his house that afternoon and he had already removed the drive
from his server. I noticed that it was a Sony 20 megabyte SCSI drive
(somewhat typical of early Apple SCSI hard drives) and that particular
hard drive had the reputation for sticking heads. I smacked it hard
between my hands and suggested to him that I had already fixed it. We
put it back into the server, turned on the power and it started up and
ran like a champ. He wrote me a check on the spot.

Sometimes, the solutions aren't so obvious and sometimes, it's something
really simple.


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