I just bought the Dell Inspiron 1420

der.hans PLUGd at LuftHans.com
Sun Sep 2 23:27:44 MST 2007

Am 31. Aug, 2007 schwätzte Phillip Waclawski so:

> Oh, I'm not sure if I can make any more of the meetings, but does
> someone post them to this list? I would like to come by and drop off
> some of the schwag I got from the LinuxWorld Expo.

We've been announcing them to the list and Ben's been maintaining the
calendar on the web site.

> And, on the Ubuntu note. I have not played with it much, but I do know
> that it uses Sudo instead of su and a root account. How hard is it to
> set up a root account/su, and also install the server support software
> (apache, mysql, python, php etc)?

It's easy enough to add a password to the root account and use it, but you
shouldn't need to.

You can use aptitude from the command line or synaptic from system->system
administration->synaptic. I'm presuming those titles as mine are in

Adding packages in debian-based distros like debian and Ubuntu is easy.

> I know I can figure it out for myself when I get it, but any advice to
> reduce the learning curve will be appreciated. Though I may still be
> tempted just to put Fedora 7 on it ;)

Play with Ubuntu and I think you'll be happy with it :).

If you do switch to another distro or re-install Ubuntu remember to keep
track of kernel version installed, drivers, used, etc. that might help you
get hardware working with the new install.


#  https://www.LuftHans.com/        http://www.CiscoLearning.org/
#  Hope has two beautiful daughters: Anger and Courage. Anger at the way
#  things are, and Courage to struggle to create things as they should be.
#  -- St. Augustine

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